Welcome to the 2019 NGS Spring Retreat
May 30 through June 2, 2019
At the Zephyr Point Lake Tahoe Retreat Center
in Zephyr Cove, Nevada

Announcing the first Nevada Gourd Society Spring Retreat to be held at the beautiful Zephyr Point Lake Tahoe Retreat Center in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.
NGS has arranged accommodations for its members to spend 3 nights at the Zephyr Point Retreat Center.
Attendees will arrive Thursday afternoon (May 30th) in time for dinner and leave Sunday morning (June 2nd) after breakfast.
We will host classes all day Friday and Saturday. Our instructors are Clint Appelt, Chris Peters, Kristy Dial, Patti Newsom, and Gail Kalt.
Click here for a preview of our class line-up. This is just a PDF so you won't be able to view any details until you reserve your room.
In addition there will be a "Meet and Greet" Thursday night, "Tips and Tricks" demonstrations on Friday night, and a raffle for great prizes on Saturday night.
What does it Cost?
The cost for lodging at the retreat is only $265.00* for 3 nights which includes ALL of your meals. Note that this price assumes that you will share a room with one person. If you do not want to share a room, your price is $420.00* for the 3 nights.
* A surcharge of $1.00 per person per meal will be charged for Vegetarian or Vegan requests. Class fees are an additional charge.
How Do I Sign Up?
A $100.00 deposit will reserve your room. Space is limited, so click the button below to reserve your spot right away!
"Priority Class Registration" will be given to Retreat attendees who have reserved their rooms by March 15. Once you have booked your room, you will be provided with a link to register for classes.
NGS members who are not staying at the Retreat but want to drive in for classes will be able to register for classes starting March 16.
If you have registered and find out that you cannot attend, you MUST contact us before May 1st to guarantee a refund.
If you cancel May 1st through May 30th, we will do our best to find a replacement, and if we find a replacement you will receive a refund.
Note that NGS will withhold $20.00 to cover processing fees for all cancellation refunds.
To cancel, call Kristy Dial at 619-995-2475 or email nevadagourdsociety@gmail.com.