Carved Ti-Pi
Instructor :
Date :
Length :
Time :
Fee :
Kristy Dial
Friday, May 31st
Half Day
1:30 pm to 5:00 pm
$45.00 + small processing fee
Class description
You will create a great looking gourd that is fun to do! If you want to work on your wood burning and/or carving skills, this is a great project.
The instructor will provide dyes, paints and a written tutorial.
What you are required to bring
Students MUST bring:
A dust mask, an X-Acto Knife, small paint brushes, a wood burner, and a power carving tool (Dremel, Master Carver, etc.) and any burrs you may have. You will be able to purchase burrs from the instructor in class.
About the instructor
Kristy Dial is an award winning artist with 25 years of experience.
She is Co-Chair of the Nevada Gourd Society. Director on the board of the American Gourd Society. Certified AGS judge.
Questions about this class?
Email Kristy at kristy.dial@yahoo.com or call 619-995-2475